Sunday 25 August 2019

Internship Crush

From the first day, kau yang tegur aku dulu. So, from the first day, aku dah nekad utk takkan jatuh hati and bukak hati aku dalam tempoh internship, sbb aku tahu yang bila2 masa jalannya ada. Then, ada one time tu, kita asyik terserempak bila nak pergi or balik solat. Well, aku percaya kat situ yg Allah nk tunjukkan aku something. Then, aku still buat tak tahu dgn apa2 jugak rasa yg aku rasa. Then, we keep bye-ing each other bila nk balik, then aku tahu yg kau memang mcm tu pun. Tp, we stopped bye-ing each other when aku dah tinggal 1 month kat situ. Macam2 kenangan yang kau dan aku created, tp aku percaya yg kenangan tu will left as memories that we both have to think what we gonna do with it. By the time aku dah comfortable dgn kau, i feel something,and i keep denying that, and i try to get rid of it asap, but, i cannot until 1 week tu, on week 5 of my internship, kau mintak tolong aku for three days utk sample kau. yes, masa tu aku keep cakap kat diri aku yg kau just gunakan aku je, kau mintak tolong as mcm tu je. Entah, why i felt that padahal sblm kau bagi project kat org lain pun, kau bukannya tanya aku free ke tak dulu utk buat sample kau. On week 5, we did everything together, yeah because you have to assist me with every project.